Department Phone Number: 1-800-282-4548 (1-800-AVAILITY)
This company provides many tools, reports and articles to assist health care providers. One tool called “Availity Provider Portal” is available for health care providers and their staff to make business with them easier.
Self Service online tools available for their providers:
- Check eligibility and benefits.
- Estimate patient responsibility.
- Submit referrals and authorizations.
- Check claim status and correct claims.
- Review potential code edits.
- View remittance advice.
- Respond to record requests.
- Collect payments.
- Track reimbursements.
- Work with many payers.
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
If you need to access to the sign in or registration page, follow these easy steps below. We have provided a quick guide for you to find out how you can log in to a activate account or activate a new online account and gain access . Be sure you have your employee and personal information on hand.
What you need to have available to sign in or complete registration to Humana as a Provider online:
- internet access
- organization information
- personal information
Follow these easy steps below to Register and Create a New Account:
- Visit this URL in your internet browser.
- Under the section titled “Self-Service”, click on the “Provider self-service online” button.
- Click on the “online registration form to set up your account” link found in the “Get started now” section.
- Under Providers section, click the “Register” button.
- Click on the “No, I am NEW to Availity” radio button.
- Agree to the “Availity Organization Agreement”.
- Click on the “Sign Up” button.
- Type in your name and phone number in the fields provided.
- Select what you do the most.
- Click on the “Next” button.
- Type in your email address in the field provided.
- Create a NEW User ID in the field provided.
- Click on the “Next” button.
- Continue to provide needed information and move forward until the set up is complete.
Follow these easy steps below to Login to your current account:
- Visit: in your internet browser.
- Under the section titled “Self-Service”, click on the “Provider self-service online” button.
- Click on the “online registration form to set up your account” link found in the “Get started now” section.
- Under Providers section, click the “Register” button.
- Click on the “Yes, I have an Availity User ID” radio button.
- Type in your current username in the space provided.
- Type in your password in the space provided.
- Agree to the Organization Agreement.
- Click on the “Sign Up” button.
- Continue to move forward and complete the setup.
- OR click here.
Other useful links: