Company Website or Online Account Phone Number: 1-800-711-5672
Accredo Specialty Phone Number: 1-877-222-7336
TRICARE Customer Service: 1-877-363-1303
Patient Customer Service at the number on your prescription ID card or call: 1-800-282-2881
PO BOX 52150
PHOENIX, AZ 85072-2150
Fax Number: 1-877-895-1900
This company is a prescription benefit plan provider. Their goal is to make the use of prescription drugs safer and more affordable for our members. They make home delivery from the Express Scripts Pharmacy available to millions of current members. They manage your pharmacy plan. They are a pharmacy. You can choose to pick up your prescription from a local pharmacy or have it delivered to you using their online program.
Reasons to create an online account:
- Manage your prescriptions Home Delivery.
- Manage your refills.
- Manage your renewals.
- Compare pricing and coverage for brand-name and generic medicines.
- Check your order status.
- Receive an EOB.
- Find participating retail pharmacies and compare pharmacy prices.
- Find detailed drug information.
- Print home delivery and claims forms as well as questionnaires.
- Access your member ID card.
Would you like to learn more about your Boeing Plan options? Follow the steps below:
- Visit this link / in the internet browser on your device.
- On the right hand side of the page, under the “Explore your plan options” section, begin by selecting your plan year and then continue to move forward to find your plan and review the options available for you.
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
If you need to access the sign in or registration page, follow these easy steps below. We have provided a quick guide for you to find out how you can sign in to a current account or activate a new online account and gain access to manage it online. Be sure you have your personal information on hand.
What you need to register / going to an Express Scripts / Boeing account online:
- Internet Access
- Member ID information
- Personal information
- Email address
Steps to follow to register for a new online account:
- In your search bar type in:
- At the very bottom of the page, click on the “Log in to Express Scripts” link and you will be directed to: OR click on the “Learn more above Express Scripts” link and then click on the “Register now” link located in the right hand area.
- Click on the “Register now” link located under the “Log In” button and next to the “Don’t have an account? question.
- Type in your name in the fields provided.
- Type in your date of birth in the field provided.
- Type in a valid email address in the field provided.
- Select one of the following to provide for verification and type it in the field provided:
- Member ID
- Social Security Number
- Select who you are/who is setting up the registration.
- Click on the “Continue to Create Account” button.
- Continue to move forward and provide all the required information until you receive a successful registration confirmation.
If you successfully registered you will receive an email verification showing that all is good with your registration. You will now have full access to your online account and can start setting up using the pharmacy benefits that you need and that you qualify for.
Steps to follow to sign in to a current account:
- In your search bar type in:
- At the very bottom of the page, click on the “Log in to Express Scripts” link and you will be directed to: OR click on the “Learn more above Express Scripts” link and then click on the “Log in” link located in the right hand area.
- Type in your Username and Password in the fields provided.
- Click on the “Log In” button.
- Begin managing your online account.
Steps to follow to download the Express Scripts Mobile App:
Reasons to download after your set up an online account:
- Access and manage your prescriptions while you are on-the-go / from anywhere on your device.
- Free to download from your device’s app store: iTunes, Google Play, Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry App World.
Search for “Express Scripts” in your device’s App Store and download it now. To learn more, please visit You can also access and use the mobile website:
Other helpful links:
- Find and locate Pharmacies
- Tips on how to start mail order.
- View the 2019 Advantage Plus Preventive Medication List