Registration Department Customer Service Help Desk Phone Number: 1-888-706-0583

General Information: 972-766-6900 TTD: 735-2989

This company is the biggest provider of health insurance in Texas. They value their customers and focus on providing health insurance that they can afford and depend on. Since they are a customer owned insurer they are able to keep the spotlight on the giving their customers the best service.

NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.

If you need to access the registration page, follow these easy steps below. We have provided a quick guide for you to find out how you can log in to an active account or activate a new online account and gain access . Be sure you have your personal information on hand to complete the registration.

What you need to have available to Register as a New Member with BlueCross BlueShield of Texas online:

  • internet access
  • ID card
  • personal information

Follow these easy steps below to complete registration and create a new account:

  1. Visit: in your internet browser.
  2. Verify you have all needed information.
  3. Scroll down and click the “Continue” button.
  4. Agree to the Terms of Use.
  5. Click on the “Next” button.
  6. Create and type in a username in the field provided.
  7. Create and type in a password in the fields provided.
  8. Type in your email address in the fields provided.
  9. Select a security question and provide the answer in the field provided.
  10. Click on the “Next” button.
  11. Type in your name in the fields provided.
  12. Input your date of birth.
  13. Type in your zip code in the field provided.
  14. In the space provided, enter your Identification (ID) Number.
  15. In the space provided, enter your Group Number
  16. If applicable, select the Legal Guardian button/box.
  17. Click the “Next” button.
  18. Continue to provide needed information and move forward until the registration is complete.